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Boss, a second chance please

In Seaview's office, a large black executive chair slowly turns around, and an expressionless man reveals his brownish-yellow teeth and says in an emotionless voice, "Twenty seconds, please."

There comes a day in the year when you have to hesitate in your boss's office. Everything is expensive, you need money, you need a raise, but this damn company requires employees to propose their own raises, but excludes the top three requests, which leaves twelve co-workers fighting over their heads.

You get wind of this, and a few of your colleagues are desperate for money, so you're ready to offer the lowest possible pay rise together, not to get to the top, but to get a raise every year, while a few of your friends and family in the whatsapp group advocate for a higher price, to break this unreasonable pay rise system.

"Progress requires creativity" is the slogan of this company. When you joined the company, you thought creativity meant open-mindedness and understanding, but have you ever thought of this bloody situation?

"You have five seconds." the man said, like a ghost urging you to die.

You bite your lip and make your final calculations.

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